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Understanding a Traffic Ticket

1. Ticket Number

A combination of letters and numbers makes up your ticket number or "UTT" number, which stands for "Uniform Traffic Ticket". A unique UTT number is printed on every ticket and courts and attorneys may use this as a reference for your case. If you can no longer read your UTT number, try contacting the court with your name and date of birth.

2. Personal, Vehicle & License Information

This section contains information regarding you, your vehicle, and your license. It includes: your first and last name; middle initial (M.I.); date of birth; sex; address (as it appears on your driver's license); whether or not a photo appears on your Driver's License; whether you are the owner/operator; license class; Client I.D. number (or driver's license number) and when it expires; license state; vehicle type, year, make, and color; vehicle plate number; where your automobile is registered (state) and when that registration expires. There is also a section on the first line for which police agency issued the citation as well as Local Police Code. 

A very common issue that we see with this section is in regards to your address. Typically, a court will use the address in this section to communicate with you regarding Not Guilty and Guity pleas, unanswered summons, and fines. This is usually the address DMV also has on file and they will use it to notify you of any pending suspensions or if you have to pay a Driver Assessment Fee. Consequently, if you no longer receive mail at this address you may be missing important communication that can lead to serious legal trouble. To avoid any problems, make sure DMV has your correct address on file and get a copy of your Driving History or Abstract of Operator's Record to verify that you have no pending suspensions, unpaid fines, unanswered tickets, or other unresolved license issues.

3. "person described above is charged as follows"

This sections contains detailed information about which law you violated. The time and date of the offense is listed first, followed by a full description of the violation, misdemeanor or felony charge. Look for "Section Sub Section" to identify the particular VTL law and then visit our Traffic Ticket list to learn about points, fines, and other penalties you may be facing. You can locate the entire NY Vehicle and Traffic Law here.

You will also find a Description of the Violation, Arrest Type, place of occurrence - including city and county, and name and affirmation of the accusing local officer or State Trooper.


4. Court

This section details the name and address of the court that will be handling your case. This is where you must send an answer to your ticket. In our example, this would be the Albany City Court - Traffic Part located at 24 Eagle St., Basement, Albany, NY 12207. If you have questions about your case or need a new copy of your ticket, try contacting the court clerk. 

5. Deadline For Responding To Your Charges

This section indicates the deadline for entering your plea as well as if you are able to mail it in or if you MUST appear in person. Failure to do so by this date can result in the suspension of your driving privileges, applicable Lift Suspension fees, and additional criminal charges like A.U.O. (Aggravated Unlicensed Operator).  

6. How To Answer Your Ticket

You can answer your ticket with a plea of Guilty or Not Guilty by completing Section A or Section B, simply fill out the appropriate section on your ticket with your name, address, date, and signature and mail it to the court.

Court Information

Village of Wappingers Falls Justice Court

Village Hall

2582 South Ave, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590


Traffic Court is at 1:00pm

The above information is just for the sole purpose of understanding each section of a NYS traffic ticket and not intended to provide any legal direction by this department. The above information can change at anytime.

©2022 Village of Wappingers Falls Police Department

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